Rose Valley: short walks,home stays, 4×4 drive, cycling, birdwatching…
Rose Valley :
Every year, mid-spring becomes a regular encounter for the Berber tribes, almost in a mystical way, to celebrate the rose feast .Another way to enjoy nature’s gifts and take part the joy with the visitors.
The strong smells of the Persian rose have a magic spell as they invoke very sweet memories of the wandering visitors in quest of the valley’s secret gardens .The bushes surround every single piece of land along the M’goun river , where the delicate pink rose is picked gracefully and almost religiously by young girls to end up in the concoction of the most elaborate perfumes.
Through the scenic gorges and canyons runs the mighty M’goun River that donates life to every Kasbah of the stunning villages encroaching on the hillsides of the majestic Atlas Mountains.Like a mirage, these oases appear almost unreal. From first sight , it is obvious that the locals led a harsh battle to garden the fields and used their talents to their best .Yet , they succeed in creating an utterly bewildering contrast .The roses , used indeed only as boundaries to encompass properties , add something to the extraordinary feel of the whole experience.